Monday, July 26, 2010


Ladies and Gentlemen I have great news! My cousin and I found our dream apartment and we are moving in this week!! Things may be slow post wise, but we will be in high speed motion this week while we try and get everything settled.

More Positano

The background in these pictures is stunning, if I didn't know better I would say it is a green screen. We all made sure to get pictures in front of it before we left.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bay Area Summer

I guess I'll take a tiny break from posting the wonders of Italy and show a little bit of summer activities here at home. Today is actually really cold and overcast, what an appropriate weather choice for my first day back in SF! Luckily two days ago when I took these pictures Oakland was as sunny as ever.Now this is pure art. Curly fries are one of the greatest culinary inventions in my opinion.
Jo trying to eat our veggie burger without any of it ending up down the front of her shirt. It is much harder than one might think! All those mushrooms and caramelized onions seem to want to jump right out of the bun and all over your front.
Down the street from the restaurant we found this cute little garden with tons of chalk drawings on the ground in front of it.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


The day after we headed down to Sorrento we took a very windy bus to Positano. The guy next to me kept nodding off and falling on to me and then jerking back awake! It was funny the first few times and then the car sick started to kick in and I wasn't so amused. The lucky thing is that I would have endured that bus experience for two more hours just to get to see the Positano. It was worth every second of that roller coaster.

Positano calls for classy behaviour, as you can see Lau and Nora immediately got in to character.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Our next stop in our southern trip was Amalfi coast, more specifically Sorrento. The sign bellow advertises Sorrento as "merda" which we found quite amusing.The rooftop lounge area on the top of our very fancy hostel.
Lau taking a much needed rest after our long day lugging bags and seeing the sights.
The fancy bar downstairs
and another beautiful rooftop view

Friday, July 16, 2010

Adventure al Sud

After getting back from our sister trip to Florence we had to pack up and head of to our next adventure down in the south of Italy. This time we were joined by our cousin and the other three mischievous SF state students that study...actually I guess it is studied now :(... in Pavia with me.Here are my fellow travelers posing on the ruins of Pompei
Cousin and sister waiting out the heat in the semi more manageable shade temperatures.
Cheesing in front of ancient artifacts and body.
Jeremy taking place of a statue that was undoubtedly was there once upon a time.
Poor guy caught in the lava, pretty dramatic way to die I guess. At least you would have a killer story to go with your death.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mi mancherai

Today is my first day back in the bay area. It is so great to be home after 11 months away, but I will definitely miss Pavia, my home away from home.I won't miss the mosquitoes that came of this lovely river, but it is mighty beautiful.
And the view from my window was spectacular at sunset.
and during the day
and when it is raining
and when friends come to serenade. Stammi bene Pavia.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bella Firenze

Another stolen moment and four more pictures I took on our trip

Who can name where sistah got the pose??

Catch up!

I am steeling a few minutes to catch up! These last few weeks have been full of traveling, planning, family reunions in Europe, packing for home, and unbearable heat. Here is the photographic evidence.The ever so lovely sir David
My little sister!! In our snazzy hostel room in Florence.
Art is everywhere in Florence
Some more sweet little love locks. I wonder if there are any on the golden gate bridge? If not I may have to start the trend.