today genius has struck in the kitchen
I bought a quinoa bulgar dry mix in Aix en provence hoping it would inspire a healthy
and delicious meal in the near future. I decided to try it out today and I believe I have struck
gold. I am going to share the recipe right now as I am eating it so that hopefully I will be able to recreate it!
ingredients for one serving:
60 g bulgar quinoa mix
~6 asparagus stalks
1 clove garlic
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 handful cherry tomatoes
1/4 cup corn
Add about 2 cups of water to the Q/B mix in a sauce pan, add a few pinches of salt and let simmer for about 9 minutes or until soft and fluffy. Make sure to stir every once and a while so the grains don't stick. While that is cooking chop the asparagus into about 1 inch pieces, mince the garlic, and half or quarter the cherry tomatoes. Then add the oil and a pinch of salt to a small wok. Let heat for about a minute then add the asparagus. Make sure to stir often. Let cook until the tips start to turn dark brown and then quickly add the garlic. Let cook for 1 minute and then add the tomatoes and cook for another minute. Once everything is cooked put it all in a bowl and dump the corn on the very top. yummmmmmm.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Mon anniversaire!
Nest stop: Aix en Provence
Thursday, April 29, 2010
I will never think of Volcanos in the same way

I had planned out my April travels perfectly, after becoming a beautiful bronzed goddess while relaxing on the beaches of Fuerteventura I was supposed to fly back to Pavia, spend two days organizing my life then have a super smashing birthday bash followed by two days of recovery which was then to be followed by a romantic trip to Paris with my best British mate.
Instead I arrived at the airport in Fuerteventura Saturday morning only to find my flight canceled due to volcanic activity in Greenland. I then spent 7 and a half hours standing in line to find out when exactly I could make it off the island. After the first 2 hours it was clear there was NO way I was going to be able to make it back to Pavia in time for my birthday which was sad, but the saddest and scariest part was that all my friends were flying to Madrid the next morning which meant that if their flight did not end up getting canceled I would be spending my 20th birthday all alone stranded on a desert island! I had terrifying images of me sitting on the beach all alone sobbing out of loneliness as the occasional nudist passed by gawking at me. Thinking back it seems like such a silly thing to be so upset about, but at the time I was devastated! I finally got to the Ryanair desk and got a flight to Madrid on Tuesday and on Thursday a flight back to Milan. I was supposed to fly from Milan to Paris on I had no idea how this whole thing was going to turn out. Darn volcanoes!
Luckily I had the bright idea to head to the airport the next morning with my friends and beg and plead to be put on the standby list and it worked!!! All six of us arrived in Madrid smugly thinking we had beat nature. Then we found out all trains to the south of France(where they all live and study this semester) were completely booked as well as all buses. We found this paper plate on the ground and considered taking it..until we remembered we had found the offer written on a paper plate laying on the ground.
La Vaca Azul
The sangria they brought us was to die for. They added cinnamon to their brew which was an unusual, but extremely delicious addition. We munched on assorted starters such as calamari, salad, goat cheese, and baked peppers until the main course(the whole fish with skin and eyeballs still intact) arrived. We watched as the waitress cleaned each portion and set it on the plate. I could barely wait to dig in and as soon as we all had a plate in front of us we attacked the food before us with gusto. I must say this was a great meal, I enjoyed every moment of it, I bet Mr. Tom Colicchio himself would have peed his pants out of pure foodie joy.
an adventure in El Cotillo
We also had the pleasure of watching two daredevil ski jetters zip around. They weren't aware of it, but they had six avid spectators that squealed and shouted encouragement with every risky move they made. If you look closely you can see them in the picture.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
the very beginning of it all
I shall start where we last left off and proceed to describe my trip to the Canary islands.
More juicy Canary details to come.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Happy Birthday Mom!!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
In Italy the day after Easter is called Pasquetta, or little Easter. I have asked quite a bit of people what exactly is being celebrated on Pasquetta, but no one seems to know. All that is certain is that the tradition is to round up a group of friends and take a day trip. Lots go to the countryside, some to the beach or in the mountains, you get the idea. This year I went with my roommate and her friends out into the countryside of Puglia about a ten minute drive from Castel del Monte(which just so happens to be depicted on the Italian-issued 1 euro cent coin). We had fun BBQing and exploring the farm and woods, and I had a flash fest trying to capture as many pictures of the countryside as I could. I hadn't realized how nature-starved I was! I haven't gone for a good long hike since I got to Italy, so Tilden, Muir woods, Sibley, Golden Gate Park and all you other green wonderlands of the bay area, prepare yourselves for my return. I am going to come back a hiking maniac.
A moscer a verv(the only thing I learned how to say in Pugliese)
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Dead Beat Summer
I love this video! I have been watching it almost every day for the last two weeks. It makes me mega excited for the summertime.
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