Thursday, April 29, 2010

an adventure in El Cotillo

We decided to take a day trip to a nearby town called El Cotillo hoping to find a little break from the mega touristy Corralejo. We also had heard tell that El Cotillo is especially known for their delectable goat cheese which made the trip even more enticing. Here are my adventure buddies sitting on a cliff in El Cotillo overlooking the Atlantic ocean.
We where shocked to find a ghost town. All shops were closed, no one was in the street, roads stretched for about four blocks until they just led off into the desert full of dunes and cacti. It was incredibly surreal and peaceful...and a smidgen creepy to be completely honest.
This is another view of the cliff we sat upon while watching huge waves crash onto the rocks.
We also had the pleasure of watching two daredevil ski jetters zip around. They weren't aware of it, but they had six avid spectators that squealed and shouted encouragement with every risky move they made. If you look closely you can see them in the picture.
This is just a cool door we saw on one of the many deserted buildings in the center of town.
At lunch time we started to search out something to devour, and luckily we found an AMAZING place to fill our bellies. More in the next post.

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